We do have all of the plumbing up and running. The sink has the faucet, an instant hot water dispenser, an air button for the garbage disposal and a soap dispenser. I don't understand these soap dispensers. They come with this really tiny bottle. You'd have to fill it up all the time. I bought this thing: http://custominserts-store.stores.yahoo.net/nevsoapandlo.html
The backsplash tile will be here today so hopefully that will get put up this week. My contractor is really great with scheduling things quickly. I was home yesterday and saw one of the foreman and told him of a couple of problems with the electric and the phones and within a couple of hours, the electricians were there and fixed everything really quickly. It's great. I have electricity in the island and I put the microwave in yesterday. It fits perfectly and I don't think I'll mind having it down there.
Most of the handles have been put on the cabinets too. The only one that doesn't have one is where the trash/recycling is which could possibly be the one cabinet you would really like to have one. Murphy's law in action. There are a couple of pieces of baseboard that need to be put on and the painter will be back to touch up here and there. Besides that, it looks great and little by little I have been moving things back upstairs. It makes the basement even more horrible now that I'm used to a little light.